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Thirty, 30, XXX, 00110011 00110000

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Thirty, 30, XXX, 00110011 00110000 Empty Thirty, 30, XXX, 00110011 00110000

Post  gnurd Thu Dec 09, 2010 12:29 am

This is a note I posted on Facebook in response to one of those "30 Things About Me" dealies. It got a pretty good response there, so I figured I'd post it here, too, even though most of you are friends with me on Facebook. Also, I thought it would be a cool thread. Everyone, write a bunch of crazy stuff about yourselves!

The note, as it was posted around 5 AM, Tuesday, December 7, 2010:

This is the thing where I write 30 things about myself because I'm bored. I did this once before, back when it was "25 Things," but I was recently tagged in two of these things, so I figured I should do it again.

Instead of posting the rules, I will start with something interesting I leaned when i typed the number 30 into Wikipedia. In the "In Mathematics" section, among all the other legitimate facts, right under stating that 30 is a Harshad number (an integer that is divisible by the sum of its digits), Wikipedia claims that "30 is a sexy number." The phrase "sexy number" is hyperlinked to a nonexistent page and has no citation to any source. Nevertheless, I feel like this is a legitimate piece of information. After all, if you can't trust the Internet, who can you trust?

1. My last Facebook note was written April 26, 2009 about an event that happened only about an hour before. I was almost hit in the face by a high-speed banana while standing on an El platform. The story was subsequently read on the now-defunct Nobody's Listening podcast (episode 103).

2. I am a very poor conversationalist when it comes to things most people talk about. The few subjects I can talk about at length are generally of no interest or confusing to most people. "I don't know much about this 'football' you speak of, but I feel like a Schrodinger's cat reference is in order here."

3. Likely due to the previous fact, I often find myself between multiple conversations when in groups. Having nothing to offer to any of the discussions, I end up paying partial attention to all of them. Something about your trip to England where you became the head of a student organization and then found out your girlfriend fought an army of Penguins?

4. I listen to a lot of dance music, but don't really care to dance. I've developed a theory that, at an event where dancing is happening, people who like to dance are made uncomfortable by anyone who is not dancing. You people do not need to feel uncomfortable.

5. Up until fifth grade, when I joined band, I never liked Music class. They kept teaching the same things every year about reading music, which I would forget for lack of application. Since fifth grade, I've learned to read music, and play several instruments, including the trumpet (which I theoretically could still do), a smattering of piano, electric bass, and concert ukulele.

6. On the note of music (Pun intended? You decide, dear readers!), although I have played bass for seven years, I cannot sing while I play. I have been playing ukulele since July of this year and could sing and play simultaneously within days of picking it up. Now, whether or not the singing is good is an entirely different matter.

7. I have participated in National Novel Writing Month twice now and "won" once. I have yet to read my unfinished first novel attempt, most of which was written in November 2009. I hope to actually finish my second novel soon and begin the process of turning it into a graphic novel.

8. It's very difficult to find bicycles built for men with short legs.

9. From December of 2005 to November of 2006, I teamed up with a writer and did a webcomic called Krewmembers, which was based on a message board of the same name. The jokes were centered around message board culture and specific members. The fans were literally in the comic. The comic archive now exists at the recently-revived board:

10. The other day, a friend mentioned that the film "Deer Hunter," which I have not seen, is "like 19 hours of nothing." I suggested it must be like actual deer hunting. People laughed, although I'm sure none of us have been deer hunting.

11. I have been squirrel-hunting, however. Or, rather, I sat in the woods with a loaded 16-gauge bolt-action shotgun for a few hours and saw nothing. My hunting buddies were more fortunate than me, though, so I was able to eat squirrel that night. It's pretty good.

12. I do not find the idea of being drunk appealing in the slightest. I find the idea of being around drunk people equally appealing.

13. I am very simple when it comes to clothing. I would rather not be expected to own more than one pair of shoes. Why make getting dressed in the morning (or whenever it is that you get dressed) any more complicated than it has to be?

14. Have you ever tried asking someone "When are you from?" Usually, they will just answer with a location and completely miss the prepositional nature of the question. I like to keep people on their toes. I also like to keep my eyes peeled for time travelers.

15. I like the existence of memes, especially the absurd ones. It's like Dadaism without the philosophy, but I'm sure future art students will study Lolcats and be told they have deep meaning and social commentary.

16. I have been single for 24 years. I could probably go on and myself sound pathetic, whiny, and sad, but I'm too much of an optimist for that. So cheer up, emo kid, it's just number 16 on a list of unique things about me.

17. I try to update my Facebook status for your amusement, denizens of the Webitron.

18. I have no interest in seeing a movie in 3D. Adding depth to the image will not add depth to your story, filmmakers. All it does is add a pair of glasses, and for those of us who already have one, another is just a distraction. Come see me again when 3D technology reaches holodeck level.

19. I have dabbled in the martial art of Capoeria.

20. Absent mindedness is something I find very aggravating. Is it really that difficult to close a cabinet, put something back where it goes, or just pay attention to your immediate surroundings? I imagine I am guilty of this from time to time, but no one complains about it to me, so either I'm very present-minded, or my peers forget to tell me.

21. I'm pretty sure the zombie apocalypse will occur when some crazy nerd, romanticizing the genre, figures out a way to engineer the virus. Parents, practice your zombie plan with your children.

22. I have been to 46 states and 3 counties (add 2 if German and Japanese airports count) in the past 24 years. I wish I had started geocaching earlier.

23. I have worked as a library page, a bag drop attendant, a writing tutor, a painter of walls, and a freelance illustrator. Right now, freelance is mostly a fancy word for "unemployed."

24. Many people seem to prefer classical music as an aide for studying or writing. All that fanciness distracts me too much. When I'm writing, I usually listen to some good old punk rock. My novel-writing efforts this year were helped along greatly by the works of Rancid, Social Distortion, and Bad Astronaut.

25. I have never owned a car, nor do I ever particularly want to. I generally prefer not driving. Cross-country road trips are an exception.

26. I once got spam email I opened because it claimed to be from the Metropolitan Police of Scotland Yard. Evidently, I have some unpaid debts in the UK. Delete.

27. After graduating college, I returned to my high school to paint a 24 foot long, 21 character mural.

28. It is getting very close to 5 AM, Deal's Gone Bad is playing in my ears, and I apologize if these facts are becoming less entertaining than earlier ones. Good thing I can sleep in as long as I want to tomorrow.

29. I joined Facebook way back in 2005. Things were different then. The format of most of my statuses is a throwback to those days. Back then, your name was followed by the word "is," forcing you to use that as the beginning of a sentence.

30. I have a very uninteresting medical history. I have never broken a bone or gotten stitches, I still have all my internal organs as well as four wisdom teeth, I have no allergies I am aware of, and I have not succumbed to any strange diseases. At this rate, I'm pretty sure I'm invincible, but let's not test that too harshly.

31. BONUS! While I'm on the medical subject, this past summer, I had blood drawn for the first time. Not a lot; just enough to make sure I didn't have any secret diseases in there. Having the genetic distaste for needles I do, I looked away while the nurse stuck me. I did fine for a while, but at some point, I told her I was getting light-headed. She said that was fine, but the next thing I knew, she was shaking me awake. Turns out, I pass out when blood gets drawn, but the story doesn't end there. She gave me a bottle of water and left me in the chair for a moment. I just sat there, sipping the water for a bit. But then, my face hurt, and people were shaking me awake again. Turns out, I have pretty low blood pressure and really should have been laying down the whole time. Long story short, my blood pressure wasn't coming back very quickly, and I got to ride in an ambulance to the hospital, but I was feeling much better by that time. My grandmother wound up in the same hospital while I was there, but she had a much better story. She fell off a ladder and hit her head. We're both fine now, thanks, but I won't be willingly letting any blood go any time soon.

That really took too long. I probably should have waited until a more reasonable time of day to do this. I hope the two people who tagged me in their notes enjoy this look into my crazy world.

End Note.

I can't wait to see what you all come up with.
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Thirty, 30, XXX, 00110011 00110000 Empty Re: Thirty, 30, XXX, 00110011 00110000

Post  HeavenlyMayday Thu Dec 09, 2010 2:53 am

Hmm, 30 things about me.... I don;t know if I'm that interesting, lol!

1. I love food. Cooking, eating, serving. I enjoy trying new foods and learning how to use them in my own cooking.

2. I could never be a chef. As much as I love food (and I'm a pretty decent cook) I could never take the pressure of running a real kitchen. (where I work doesn't count. I'm a short order cook at best and the pressure of even that can get to me if things pick up too much)

3. I would love to sing for a career, but I would hate to be famous.

4. Karaoke is so much fun, it's about the only reason I go to bars. I would LOVE to find karaoke in a coffee shop setting- bars kinda creep me out.

5. I want more kids (even 1 more would be fine). It's not looking like it's gonna happen (probably for the best right now with finances being rough anyways), but the desire is there.

6. I'd seriously consider adopting if money wasn't so tight right now.

7. I'm a mama's girl. My mom raised my brother and I pretty much on her own (I'm not even counting the longest running step dad, he was worse than I ever was. Not worse than my brother, but that's just a matter of how bad my brother was) We're still quite close. Emotionally. Geographically she's too damn far away Sad

8. I didn't meet my dad till I was 19 years old. It's a good thing and a bad thing, all around. (good and bad I met him, good and bad I met him later in my life)

9. I tend to adopt younger girls as sisters because I wanted a sister so badly growing up. Sad thing is that I have better relationships with a lot of them than with my actual sister- who I also didn't meet till I was 19.

10. I am madly in love with my husband. I think we have the most stable relationship of any others that I know. We are just so connected it's ridiculous. I love it Smile

11. I am at the point in my life where regrets are piling up. Mostly the fact that i never pushed myself growing up to accomplish anything. I was smart enough but I let my laziness hold me back. I wish I could go back in time and tell myself to apply myself.

12. I am terrified sometimes that I am somehow royally screwing up my kid and he'll never forgive me for it. So far this has been totally unfounded, but it's hard not to second guess myself all the time.

13. I love circles. Love them, always have. I don't know why, and I realize I'm officially weird, lol.

14. I'm slightly afraid of mirrors. Especially in the dark. (traumatized by a movie as a kid)

15. I'm sensitive to cigarette smoke and tend to actually get sick if I am exposed to too much for too long.

16. I am dissatisfied with my doctor and am thinking of looking for a new one. (frikkin woman is convinced that I need prozac, I keep trying to tell her I'm just stressed out not depressed)

17. I believe that there is someone out there for most everyone. The hard part is just finding them. I am grateful that I found mine so early in life.

18. I want to learn to knit socks. I have all the basics- I can knit, purl, rib, stockinette, garter etc but heels and toes scare me and I still think knitting with double pointed needles feels like wrestling with a spider.

19. I haven't read an actual book in months and that is VERY unusual for me. I'm afraid to start one because I am the type to get stuck up all night trying to finish a book when I have to get up for work the next day... (and yet here I am anyways... Razz)

20. I desperately want to be a stay at home mom/housewife. It's what makes me happy- I hate not having the time or energy after working all week to contribute more to the household. I miss making dinner and tidying and organizing. I try to do a little here or there, but I just want to rest when I'm home so a lot of stuff doesn't get done like it should.

21. I'm spoiled in a lot of ways and I know it. We don't have a ton of money, but Chris spoils me terribly in other ways.

22. I had a crush on Westley Crusher when I was a kid. (yes, Westley, the character. Speaking of Westleys... Also had a HUGE crush on Westley from The Princess Bride...)

23. I'm seriously thinking that a bicycle trip to the Grand canyon would be an adventure I would like to go on some day.

24. I am marginally good at a lot of things, although I do excel at a couple of things (cooking and singing among them)

25. I'm actually glad that the apartment I am in doesn't allow us to have people live with us- this is the first time in a long time that it's been just us in our house. I'm way too likely to take in stray friends and family members who need help.

26. I miss the beach. I love seaguls cackling, the sun beating down, the smell of salt water and the crashing waves. The warm sand between my toes... *sigh* I need to live somewhere with beaches and mountains and real seasons.

27. I think it would be awesome to buy a big old chunk of land and build houses for all my friends and family to live close to me.

28. I'm obsessed with: Tea, containers (purses, boxes, baskets etc...) lip stick/gloss/balm, yarn, butterflies, peacocks, chocolate, notebooks. walking past these things in a store is the worst kind of temptation.

29. I'm stuck on 29. Go figure.

30. I can't believe I just rattled off 30 things about me at 3 am...

And I'm off to bed.

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Thirty, 30, XXX, 00110011 00110000 Empty Re: Thirty, 30, XXX, 00110011 00110000

Post  RowanFalar Thu Dec 09, 2010 5:12 pm

Lemme see if I can do this. I'm not promising anything but here goes.

1. I've wanted to be a mom since I was a little kid, more than anything else.

2. A friend told me once that he was glad that I had no ambition because I was one of the most ruthless people he had ever met.

3. My favourite colour is green, specifically a deep rich forest green.

4. My eyes change colour depending on my mood, or what I'm wearing. It ranges from steel blue to deep blue to teal green.

5. Cherub brought my attention to the Krew when he told me about Puck's offer of hot chocolate. A day and a half later, I'm inducted into the Krew.

6. I'm scarily amused by Moppet's latest obsession, Wizards of Waverly Place.

7. I've only ever been to one two countries, 2 provinces, 5 states.

8. I'm scarily attracted to Janto fanfiction. Embarassed

9. Cherub is someone I never thought I'd be with, but I thank my lucky stars that I am.

10. I was molested at 5, and promptly repressed the memory, never to be retrieved.

11. My user name was the first Living City (AD&D) character I created.

12. I have created 3 blogs, and update NONE of them, as well as 4 or 5 e-mails (yahoo, rogers, gmail, etc.) all bearing my user name RowanFalar so that no one else can use it.

13. I love crafting, something I shared with my mom, and grandma.

14. I can knit, crochet, cross-stitch, maille, paint, and bake. I am all self taught.

15. I can read a 300 page book in about 2 hours.

16. We have a floor to ceiling bookcase in 6 of 8 rooms in our house.

17. I once contemplated becoming a stripper (for the money) until a good friend talked me out of it by describing the lives of some of his stripper friends.

18. I was the epitome of a "good girl" until I moved out of my parent's house at 20. Then I sowed more wild oats than most men.

19. I was told when I was 11 that I was "very profound" when I told an adult friend that "everyone has their own idea of paradise".

20. I have very soft, peeling nails.

21. I have suffered from migraines since I was 11, clinical depression since my teens and my eyesight has been slowly deteriorating since my 20s (due to over reading).

22. My favourite shows are Buffy, Dr Who, Torchwood, CSI, The Mentalist.

23. I think that King of the Hill and Family Guy are abominations of animation, and a disturbing portrait of the lowest common denominator in American television.

24. Elmo's popularity has ruined Sesame Street. (20 minutes of "Elmo's World"? Please)

25. I LOVED the "I Am Canadian" rant campaign launched by Molson, even though I hate beer.

26. My preferred alcohol drink of choice is cider, non-alcoholic is tea. Earl Grey.

27. I hate onions, but I'll cook with them to allow the flavours to meld as proper.

28. My favourite activity with my mother-in-law is to do the Toronto Star crosswords on Saturday morning.

29. I'm a manners nazi with Moppet as I started teaching her to say please at 18 months.

30. My totem animal is Dragon.

Wow, I managed 30 factoids. Cool.

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Post  maron Fri Dec 10, 2010 12:04 pm

I'll give it a shot:
1. I have never had short hair in my life. My mother always wanted long hair but couldn't grow it so she made me grow it for her. I just got used to having long hair.

2. I used to always chew on my nails until about a good 7-8 years ago. I don't know how I kicked the habit but some how I did.

3. I get grumpy if I don't at least read one chapter of a book in a day. I tend to read allot more then that in a day but that is my minimal.

4. I was born with my feet facing the wrong direction. I had to wear special shoes when I was a newborn to slowly turn my feet the right direction. To this day my feet still face towards each other a tiny bit.

5. I always have to have things going on in the background when I do stuff such as music or tv going on.

6. My comfort food is pizza or if pizza can not be found I will settle for pasta but it has to have tomato sauce not any other type of sauce.

7. I can not stand the color orange.

8. Up until I turned 20 I was addicted to Pepsi. I drank on average about a 2 little bottle a day. Now with the exception of a throwback pepsi ever so often I hardly drink pepsi anymore.

9. I can not eat seafood without getting bad stomach aches.

10. I have no map to the filing cabnet in my head. I will remember things that need to be done at random. Pretty much I am pretty absent minded.

11. I am very easily distracted. I could be in the middle of saying something and I will go "Oh shinney object".

12. I can get very obsesive on random things and then after a while drop them like nothing.

13. I am extreamly clutzy. When allot of people hear ways that I have injured myself from being clumzy they think I am making things up.

14. I have very tiny veins. When I have to have blood drawn they usually have to do it out of my hands which hurts like a mofo.

15. Somehow with my poor eating habbits I am very healthy and if anything I need to raise my fatty food intake. Figure that one out.

16. When I have time I do like to repaint dolls. I have an Elizabeth Bennett doll that I redid from a Barbie doll on my desk at work (complete make up over hall, hand styled the hair, the whole shabang)

17. I love Victorian and Regency period funiture.

18. I can not spell to save my soul.

19. I am a messy person. Not food messy but paper messy.

20. I haven't spoken to my mother in close to a year and I am fine with that.

21. I get into periods when I am a sloth and when I am super productive. I can not control these busts of periods I can only go along with them.

22. My favorite number is 2. Always has been.

23. I hate math. I can do it but I still hate it.

24. I can't use a clay wheel to save my life. It is one of the few artiisic things I have tried that I couldn't get a base concept on.

25. I am not a morning person. During the week days when the alarm goes off, first I get up out of bed and walk across the room multiple times to hit snooze before going back to sleep. When I do finally wake up I drag myself around like a zombie and grunt with basic motor skills.

26. I can't stand the taste of coffee.

27. When I am annoyed I tend to listen to black medal and gangster rap.

28. It takes allot to actually get me fully pissed off but when it does happen I have been told I am rather scary.

29. I am actually a very quiet person. I tend to let people talk and I listen.

30. I went into home school during my first year of high school because my elder brother got thrown out of school because he brought a weapon to school. My mother was so pissed off that they kicked my brother out that she took me out too. This is also the reason why I started college so early.


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Post  Kid-spider2099 Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:59 pm

My turn:
1. Writing is always something i wanted to but i'm not really good sticking to it. I've had several blogs but i gave up on them. I tend to lose Motivation very easily
2. I'm easily distracted sometimes i really gotta focus to get things down.
3. I Love pizza especially cheese pizza My perfect lunch is two slices of pizza and mountain dew no ice.
4. I have never been of the west coast. The furthest i have ever been in the united states is Idaho.
5. The furthest i've been out of this country is canada.
6. I love gumdrop cookies but i haven't had them in forever.
7. I own Jayne hat my sister in law made for me.
8. I've been a nerd since middle school
9. I have no tattoos mainly cayse i'm afraid of the pain of getting one
10. I have never seen the Grinch Movie Mainly cause i think the cartoon is the only good version of the grinch
11. Typing up 30 random things about myself is tough.
12. I love snowballs (the junk food not the stuff from the sky)
13. I love superman he's one of my favorite super heroes
14. I'm not really a fan of manga
15. I have tried to like manga but i just can't get into it.
16. I love british tv they do tv right
17. i love the movie empire records
18. One of dreams is to own a comic book shop called empire comics
19.Tom hanks is one of my fave actors
20. My graphic novel collection is pretty cool if you ask me.
21. I come from a ver christian family.
22. I've been a christian since i was 7.
23. I can't snap fingers
25. I can make a poping sound with mouth without using my finger to do it.
26. I can think Movies use CGI sometimes
27. My idea of comfort food is mac and cheese
28. I'm adorkable
29. Yay i'm almost done
30. I stink at relationships.

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Thirty, 30, XXX, 00110011 00110000 Empty Re: Thirty, 30, XXX, 00110011 00110000

Post  chibibar Mon Dec 13, 2010 9:56 am

30 things huh?

1. I am pretty easy going guy, but if you get on my pissed off side. I am not a person you want to be with.
2. I love coffee anything (candy, drinks, cake, even food type)
3. I like porn (that is not new eh Maron?)
4. I love chick flicks. Some say (Maron) I'm more girly when it comes to movie than she is.
5. I love playing PC games. It helps me unwind.
6. I love adventure. I like to explore and do new stuff just cause.
7. I came from an abused childhood, but I'm better now Smile
8. I love seafood.
9. I'm a morning, noon or night person. I adjust my schedule to fulfilled any role needed (i.e. I can work any schedule as long you tell me in advance and don't have a problem changing sleep schedule)
10. I can take naps and sleep at a drop of a hat. (thus helps me with number 9)
11. I love women.
12. I have a foot fetish. I am not sure why.
13. I like women with long hair and long legs.
14. I am a very open person.
15. I can be VERY blunt many times.
16. I can't lie well to save my life. I feel that if I lie, I have to remember that lie. Too much work and headache for me. I just do what I do and people just accept or reject me as I am.
17. I try to be helpful to other people
18. I have a strange fascination to Hentai.
19. I am honest.
20. I love to plan things ahead when involve other people. I.E. if you are traveling with me, I make sure you have a place to sleep, eat, and clean. If I was traveling by myself, I am more free spirit and go with the flow (not much planning except having money)
21. I hate taking pictures. I don't know why.
22. I am not a traditionalist. I only do things to make other people happy (i.e. decorate a tree)
23. I am a messy person. My office is a lost cause.
24. I am a neat person when it comes to my kitchen and my home. I don't know why.
25. I am hopeless romantic
26. I love pop music and old fashion rap.
27. I love to sing and dance and can't do either well.
28. I use to be shy. Not anymore.
29. I love to talk to random people and learn their stories
30. I am dependable. If you are a friend of mine, and you need help. There is a great chance I'll try to be there barring finance (can't fly across the world on a drop of a hat) or restriction (helping you robbing that bank may not happen)

Trying Hard

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Thirty, 30, XXX, 00110011 00110000 Empty Re: Thirty, 30, XXX, 00110011 00110000

Post  StopBeingCute Sun Dec 19, 2010 9:57 pm

1.) Growing up, I never saw myself getting married or having kids, but ended up doing both. The marriage turned out to be a horrible idea, but thankfully the reality of having children is wonderful.

2.) I sucked my thumb until the age of 16, but despite that I have straight teeth and only a very slight overbite.

3.) I still sleep with the blanket my grandmother made for me when I was born.

4.) I had three older sisters and one younger brother. I say had because eight years ago my oldest sister died of cancer. She had breast cancer that went into remission, but it came back and spread throughout her body. I truly hope I never again have to watch someone I love slowly fade like she did... it was the hardest thing I've ever experienced.

5.) People constantly think I'm much younger than I am, as I have a severe case of "baby face".

6.) I've never been in a car accident, never been pulled over, and never gotten a speeding ticket.

7.) I've had a somewhat eclectic mix of jobs during my lifetime. I've been a babysitter, a "sample gal" (normally a job populated by older women, they hand out samples of food/beverages in grocery stores), prep cook, proofreader, cashier (in several places), housekeeper, stocker, house painter, wedding singer, in-home caregiver, and the most important of

8.) I'm a voracious reader, movie buff, and music lover. I have the ability to (and often use it) quote entire passages of books I've read, movies I've seen, and sing (mostly) pitch-perfect songs I've only heard once.

9.) I've always wanted to learn to play the piano. More than just a simple desire, it's closer to a deeply-felt need to do it, but as of yet I still haven't.

10.) I have horrible vision. I have astigmatism in both my eyes and keep vigilant about getting my eyes checked because I'm paranoid I'll go blind like my grandmother.

11.) I'm half Italian from my mother and a mix of mostly Native American from my father.

12.) I wish I'd done more to find a way to go to college. I'll more than likely end up trying to go once my kids are through school. Better late than never?

13.) I'm bisexual. My parents don't know and I plan to keep it that way. I've done my best to suppress that part of myself, at least while my children are still young, and it's incredibly difficult.

14.) As a tie-in to the previous, I watch a lot of girl-on-girl porn.

15.) I dislike all professional sports. There's no dramatic reason, I just don't like them. When people talk about any of them around me I start humming whatever random song pops into my head.

16.) This is taking way longer than I thought it would. I'm running into the problem of only wanting to mention things that might actually be of interest to you guys, instead of what I consider mundane facts.

17.) I am extremely opposed to drug use. (Meth, crack, pot, etc.) I've seen too many friends and family members flush themselves down the toilet.

18.) I consume coffee daily, and a lot of it. And I don't care if it's not good for me.

19.) I'm addicted to hidden object games. I've found the more I play them the sharper I seem to be mentally. I could just be full of shit and using that as a reason to continue to be addicted. The jury's still out.

20.) In my early years, teachers told my parents that there was a possibility I was mentally handicapped because I never spoke. Those same teachers would've understood me so much better if they'd spent some time around my whole family. They're all so loud I never could get a word in, so I just didn't try.

21.) I taught myself to read when I was three years old.

22.) Very shortly after that I developed the desire to be an author. I used to write my parents special books on their birthdays and Mother's/Father's Day. My dad still has all of them.

23.) I voted Obama.

24.) I suffer from claustrophobia, ochlophobia (afraid of crowds...relates to my claustrophobia), and acrophobia. I was agoraphobic for over a year and refused to travel further than down the street to the convenience store.

25.) Despite that list of "crazies" I still manage to lead a normal life. I just avoid situations that will cause me to freak out.

26.) I've sampled snake, deer, alligator, squid, rabbit, frog, quail, caviar, snail, and other
unusual (for some) treats. I'll try anything once. And for some of those listed, it'll stay the once.

27.) I hope to live out the remainder of my life in Vermont. I've never even visited the state but ever since I was a child I've wanted to live there.

28.) I love giving gifts and doing favors for others, but I hate receiving presents or asking for anything.

29.) I actually get a great deal of enjoyment from cleaning and doing laundry. I feel satisfaction and relief when things are organized and shiny.

30.) This list of thirty things was probably overly-long and boring, but I refuse to apologize.

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Thirty, 30, XXX, 00110011 00110000 Empty Re: Thirty, 30, XXX, 00110011 00110000

Post  Chubbalumpakis Fri Dec 24, 2010 4:26 pm

I tried to do this the last time I had internet but ran out of time. But sitting next to a roaring fire while watching Rudolph, I find the need and desire to complete it.

1) I have many strange and unusual talents. One is I have the ability to fit my entire fist in my mouth.

2) I love to read but lack the money and time to start new books on a regular basis.

3) I'm a huge movie buff and before money got tight I had a collection of over 150 DVDs and VCR tapes.

4) Tying in with number 3, my entire family is a bunch of movie buffs and when we get together it is not uncommon to hear us quoting films at each other.

5) I like to cook and am actually quite accomplished at it thanks to hanging onto my Mother's leg in the kitchen when I was younger. Unfortunately I often lack the energy to spend in the kitchen and will more than often just pour a bowl of cereal or press a few buttons on the microwave.

6) I'm a huge Momma's boy and would do anything for her. Unlike some of my other family and friends my Mother has supported me in every single thing I've wanted to do.

7) I am currently in the best shape of my life in preparation for the NAVY but at the height of my gluttony I weighed a whopping 315 pounds. This was during my Senior year of High School so you can imagine how awkward those years were.

Cool Secretly I wish I didn't have to join the NAVY and would've been perfectly happy the way I was.

9) My biggest regret in life is that I wish I wasn't such a (for lack of a better term) pussy during my younger years and wish I would've tried and done more things I was too afraid to do.

10) I didn't come out my shell until after High School and really began to grow as a person.

11) However this kind of took me to excess and during my time I've tried several different drugs including weed, coke, salvia, and mushrooms.

12) I'm not ashamed of this fact as most of these things I didn't enjoy and simply tried them for the sake of trying them. Was it a smart reason? Probably not but I'm no worse for wear.

13) However I am very pro-pot and after my service is done I plan on resuming my use. I personally believe it'll be legal in another decade anyway so it won't be as bad.

14) Another thing I've inherited from my Mother (aside from my poor vision) is the fact that unlike most males, when I'm very angry or upset I get emotional. Although it's rare you should not be surprised to see me so pissed I punch a hole in a wall with tears streaming down my face.

15) I am a non-confrontational person and have avoided scuffles all my life. Since it takes a lot for me to get angry this hasn't been as hard as it might seem.

16) I have been in two fights in my life. One fight ended with the other kid's broken jaw. The other ended with two black eyes and a bloody nose...from me. Not fun.

17) I have always been in good health despite my family's medical history. No long-term diseases, never broken a bone, never been severely injured. I've never even had a cavity and even grew out of the asthma I had as a child.

18) I had a massive overbite as a kid and wore braces for 3 years.

19) Pie > Cake.

20) Though I agonized it over it for many years I am no longer ashamed to admit that I experimented with men when I was in middle school. It didn't appeal to me.

21) I am surprised I even wrote that in a public place which shows that I'm running out of things to write about.

22) I'm a natural at video games and almost always have been. I have fond memories of playing games like Jackal and Mega Man when I was younger. One in particular is learning the laser pattern by heart to Flash Man's level in Mega Man 2. Another is my friends were trying desperately to beat one level on one of the Rogue Squadron games and had been trying for days to do so. I sat down and beat it on my 3rd try. They still give me crap about it to this day.

23) I'm a lush. Meaning though I'm not an alcoholic, I love booze and when given the chance I will indulge in large amounts.

24) I absolutely LOVE Scotch and have always wanted to have a smoking room complete with a decanter, ice bucket, and fancy glasses.

25) I'm a huge Disney kid and my parents own almost every single animated Disney movie ever made. In fact I watched Aladdin so many times I could (and still can) recite the entire movie by heart. Once we're settled wherever I end up stationed I plan on having them send me the collection since I had the first grand baby.

26) I have three top teeth instead of four. (Submitted courtesy of my Mother)

27) I love to sing and will jump up on stage for Karaoke at the drop of a hat. I find my best voice is with Country and R&B music and I always go by the stage name LambChop.

28) Interesting story behind that. I used to be involved with the local chapter of ComedySportz, an improv troupe. The first day of auditions there were five other David's in the class, not including myself AND the teacher. We were going around the circle and introducing ourselves and when they got around to me I said my name and the teacher interrupted "No no no there are WAY too many Davids in the class. You're LambChop!" And it stuck. I hated the name at first but realized it had grown on me when I was at work one day and someone shouted "Hey! LambChop!" and I turned around "Huh?"

29) I have a deep longing for travel which is probably one thing that drew me to the NAVY. I love the travel channel and shows like No Reservations and Bizarre Foods. One day I want to take a culinary tour of Europe and Asia.

30) This took WAY longer than I expected and I during this time Lasanga has cooked, the fire is almost out, and my 1 year old niece has repeatedly attempted to climb the stairs.

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Join date : 2010-09-20
Age : 40
Location : Virginia...for now.

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